About the Journal

Welcome to the Interdisciplinary British and American Studies Journal (IBAS Journal)!

IBAS Journal is an innovative, double-blind peer-reviewed biannual academic journal launched in December 2024. We are dedicated to publishing high-quality research across various disciplines, including literature, language, culture, and society of Britain and America from the Middle Ages to the present day. We seek research from scholars both from and outside the traditional Anglo-American sphere, fostering a truly global conversation on British and American literature, language, culture and society.

Become a Part of our Scholarly Community:

At IBAS Journal, we are committed to promoting diversity and inclusion on our Editorial Board. We value a multiplicity of perspectives and believe that robust scholarship thrives on various viewpoints. Therefore, we welcome inquiries from qualified scholars with a proven track record in their respective fields to join our esteemed Editorial Board and become a Reviewer. We pay attention to the diversification of locations, genders and underrepresented groups to ensure a well-rounded and inclusive Board. If you are passionate about British and American Studies and share our commitment to academic excellence, we encourage you to express your interest. Please submit your CV to editor@ibasjournal.com.


Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Interdisciplinary British and American Studies (IBAS) Journal
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Welcome to the Interdisciplinary British and American Studies (IBAS) Journal!

IBAS Journal is an innovative, double-blind peer-reviewed biannual academic journal launched in December 2024. We are dedicated to publishing high-quality research across various disciplines, including literature, language, culture, and society of Britain and America from the Middle Ages to the present day. We seek research from scholars both from and outside the traditional Anglo-American sphere, fostering a truly global conversation on British and American literature, language, culture and society.


Call for Papers: June 2025 Issue (Submission Deadline:  May 01, 2025)

The IBAS Journal invites original submissions for its June 2025 issue from scholars, researchers, and creative writers engaged in the interdisciplinary field of British and American Studies. We encourage submissions that explore the multifaceted connections and intersections between these two dynamic cultures, encompassing a broad spectrum of disciplines and approaches. We particularly welcome contributions that delve into, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • Literature: British Literature, American Literature, Anglo-American Literature, Postcolonial Literature, Literary Theory, Comparative Literature
  • Language: English Language Teaching, Translation Studies, Linguistics
  • Culture: American Culture, British Culture, Popular Culture, Anglo-American Film, Music, Visual Arts, Media Studies
  • Society: British Society, American Society, Social Issues, Social Work and Practices
  • History: British History, American History, Transatlantic History, Social and Cultural History

We are open to diverse methodological approaches and encourage submissions that explore innovative perspectives, interdisciplinary dialogues, and critical engagements with the cultural, historical, and social landscapes of Britain and America. Submissions that examine the interplay between literature, language, culture, society, and history are especially welcome. Submission

  • Deadline: May 1, 2025

Please click for submission. For author guidelines and further information, please visit the author guidelines.


Become a Part of our Scholarly Community:

At IBAS Journal, we are committed to promoting diversity and inclusion on our Editorial Board. We value a multiplicity of perspectives and believe that robust scholarship thrives on various viewpoints. Therefore, we welcome inquiries from qualified scholars with a proven track record in their respective fields to join our esteemed Editorial Board and become a Reviewer. We pay attention to the diversification of locations, genders and underrepresented groups to ensure a well-rounded and inclusive Board. If you are passionate about British and American Studies and share our commitment to academic excellence, we encourage you to express your interest. Please submit your CV to editor@ibasjournal.com.